WARNING: no tournament has been chosen; see the Tournament page (bottom left link)

Create User or Login

Quick Login: Name or USCF# Password - or click 'Register Now' for password reset or account creation

NEW USERS click the 'Create User or Login' link (upper center, if available) to enter the chess player's name or part of the name or the USCF ID. Then, the system will look for a chess player with that name or ID. Note that new USCF members might not be found by name lookup, but the USCF ID will always work. After the system provides you a list of choices, type the password you want next to the name that matches you. The system will remember your name and password for the future. The default gender is male, but you can change this later.

RETURNING USERS use the Login fields enter their partial name or USCF ID. You will then be given a list of possible users and you can enter your password for the correct one. Passwords can be changed on the Registration page. There is an option for getting a temporary password if you have previously provided your e-mail or phone - just click one of the yellow buttons in the list of choices.

TEAMS can also be created by coaches in the same way as players. Use the team name or USCF affiliate ID on the login page (click 'Create User or Login' link from upper center, if available) for new users. After creating the team, you will have all the team options, including changing which players are on the team's roster. The team login can make registrations for team members and can change their personal information. Coaches/Parents may find it easier to create a team first and then add players to it.

LOGOUT (from upper center link, if available) makes you anonymous and removes some features, like showing the names of tournament participants.

REGISTRATION (from upper right link, if available): After login and choosing a tournament, you can register for a tournament section or cancel your registration. The Registration page also provides a mechanism to update all your personal data; don't forget to update the default gender of male if you are female or creating a team. Some contact information is optional, but useful so that we can contact you with important tournament information (like pairings) when it becomes available. Your personal information will be remembered for the next tournament. After you submit (or press Enter), what you see is what is in the system. If it's not right, you can change it. Players can add themselves to multiple team rosters, but play for only one team per section. If your team is not available, ask your coach.

STATUS (from upper right link, if available): After registration, you can see the status of the tournament, the pairings, and the results. Here is where you submit (if not already submitted by a director) your game results, which must match what your opponent submits. If there are any problems, the Status page will ask you to see a tournament director. If you provided a phone number in the Registration page, then you may receive text notifications of important changes to tournament status, like your next-round pairing. Otherwise, you will need to check back here repeatedly (or look at paper announcements) to find the information you need.

TOURNAMENT (from lower left link) allows you to change the tournament for which you are viewing status, registering, or providing feedback.

FEEDBACK (from lower right link) is a page for providing suggestions or praise that is not urgent. If you need immediate assistance, please contact a tournament director. Feedback can be for a specific tournament if you have chosen a tournament or just general feedback if you have not chosen a tournament. Feedback can be changed and the old feedback is deleted - what you see on the screen (after you submit) is what is in the system. Anonymous feedback is no longer accepted: you will need to login to provide feedback.

JOIN TEAM ROSTER (from lower center link on Registration page) enables a player to join a team roster. If you are not part of a team, then any team can add you and modify your information. This may not be appropriate for a given tournament. If you want to avoid being on any teams, you can join the 'No Draft' team so that others cannot draft you.

REGISTRAR (from lower center link, if available) is a feature that is available only if you are a designated registrar for the given tournament at a specifically allowed time for the tournament. The registrar feature allows you to (un)register anybody, change personal information, reset passwords, and do a lot of other stuff. Ask a tournament director if you need this capability.

PRIVACY: We collect only the information we need to run the chess tournaments on our site and report the results. We share information only with the United States Chess Federation (USCF), tournament staff/volunteers, and your team leader/coach, but anyone who logs in can see who is registered for a tournament. We show you all information we have collected on you, primarily on the Registration page. Players may delete any information you have provided (not yet fully implemented) after it has served its intended purpose for a tournament, typically after final results have been posted at USCF (if applicable) and after final accounting reports are completed. You may leave your information here (free of charge) for the next tournament. You cannot delete tournament results that are published here with information similar to what is published at USCF for rated tournaments. This privacy policy represents our good-faith intent and is not legally binding. See below for examples of information uses; most of this information is found on the Registration page.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

VERSION: Nov 26 2024, 13:06:55

Create User or Login