Status Registration
Not Logged In

For Indian Creek Chess #4, you can login as (or create) One Person, a Household Team, a School Team, or an Other Team. A login for One Person manages the given player or coach, who may be a player on one or more teams, and/or who may be a coach who manages multiple players on one or more teams. The other team logins are designed for managing teams of players without logging in as a person. We define a Household Team as a group of players living at the same primary address or having a parent-child relationship. You would not login as a Household Team unless you are a parent of multiple chess players. A School Team is a group of players attending the same public school, private school, college/university, or homeschool group as the primary source of education (i.e. only one school per player). You would not login as a School Team unless you are the school's coach. An Other Team is any other team, like a city's chess club. A team login can manage multiple players at once. The One Person login typically manages only one player unless this person is already setup as the coach of one or more teams. Coaches who have been setup in the system as the coach for one or more teams can login as One Person and then manage all the players on all their teams at once. If you are a coach and you don't see the players on your team(s) after you login as One Person, then contact a tournament director to get this setup. Players and teams are saved across tournaments. Please make your choice by clicking one of the following buttons. If you don't know what to choose, One Person is probably the easiest. Or, click the Tournament link in the lower left to choose another tournament.
